Walking A Straight 10 Miles Forward And Back Shooting Every Half Mile

Titre international/International title
Walking A Straight 10 Miles Forward And Back Shooting Every Half Mile
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques
Autres informations/Additional Informations

"Responding to the invitation to make a work for Gerry Schum’s "Television Gallery", Richard Long wrote: "I was happy to have the chance of conceiving a work in a new medium for me (film), which gave a new expression to my straight moorland walks of that time." He added "If explanations are necessary, then the work is no good". " (Source, site web, Tate)

Tourné à Dartmoor en Angleterre le 20 janvier 1969.

[SUPPRESSION] Date de l’événement et/ou date de diffusion/Date of event and/or date of diffusion
Format d'origine/Original format
Lieu de réalisation/Place of Production
Dartmoor, Angleterre