Strip Tease TV (perturbations Series)

Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author

In the TV-perturbations Series (1972) Jeran Otth questions the nature of the television image by deconstructing its codes.

Edmond Charrière, 1998 (Source : SIK)

After having coved the screen of my television receiver with a black plastic sticker pre-cut obliquely, I "undressed" the image little by little while introducing simple electronic disturbances, and by constantly changing the program. Jean Otth

Format d'origine/Original format
Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

François Bovier, Film Implosion ! Experimental Cinema in Switzerland, cat. exp. Fribourg, Fri-Art, Kunsthalle Fribourg, Berlin, Revolver Publishing, 2017.

Jean Otth. Vidéo 1970-1980, cat. exp. Genève, Centre d’art contemporain, 1980.