Two Drawings on Glass

Titre international/International title
Two Drawings on Glass
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques

"I made a number of single monitor works in the late 1970s and the first was a video drawing of my static figure behind glass onto which Adrian Gill drew a series of lines marking out the proportions of my body as a kind of Vitruvian woman ''manquee''.

Once again I was pointing up the shortcomings of this average female form in terms of line and contour. I was also making reference to to the plumb-line life drawing of naked women that was going on upstairs in Patrick George's studio. The second drawing on glass consisted of my body erasing Adrian's careful measurements by smearing the glass and myself with black paint. Thoroughly enjoyable." Catherine Elwes (Source, site web, Lux Online)

Pratiques artistiques associées/Associated artistic practices
Adrian Gill
Type de contribution