With Child

Titre international/International title
With Child
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author

"Baby clothes and toys, objects of a mother's nostalgia, are used effectively in this often hilarious video on the theme of a mother's relationship with her child." Poster for Acts of Remembrance. Performance and Video Art Fortnight on the theme of memory, Harris Art Gallery, Preston 1989. Includes information on With Child. (Source, pdf, Rewind)

Autres informations/Additional Informations

Introduction by Jean-Luc Outers and abstract for With Child in the catalogue of the exhibition Voir des vidéos 5ème édition, Wallonie, Brussels, London 3-5th May, 1985, p. 27-29. (Source, pdf, site web Rewind)

Ilppo Pohjola, "Winter Break", interview with Catherine Elwes, Independent Media, 1988. (Source, pdf, Rewind)

"Out of Bounds", extracts from UK/Canadian Video Exchange programme (curated by Catherine Elwes), 2000. (Source, pdf, Rewind)

Sean Cubitt, "Out of Sight", Timeshift on Video Culture, Routledge, 2001, p.131. (Source, pdf, Rewind)

Lisa Haskel, "Seasonal Contemplations", Independent Media, 1989. (Source, pdf, Rewind)

Mike O'Pray, "With Child", "Monthly Film Bulletin", BFI, C.1984. Includes a video still. (Source, pdf, Rewind)

With Child review extracts: Christopher Dunkley, Financial Times, February 1986; Andy Lipman, Video state of the art, Channel 4, 1985. (Source, pdf, Rewind)

NETWORK Video, review of Catherine Elwes' With Child, broadcast for Channel 4's Eleventh Hour Video 3 programme. Review written for City Limits, 27 Sept - 3 Oct 1985. (Source, pdf, Rewind)

Video still from With Child, 1984. (Source, site web, Rewind)

Format d'origine/Original format
John Muellbauer
Type de contribution
Tom Allerton
Type de contribution
Bruno Meullbauer
Type de contribution