60 TV Sets

Titre international/International title
60 TV Sets
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author

"The installation comprises 60 old TV receivers. Some operate normally, some distort, 'flash', or show a picture only intermittently, others operate sound only..Mounted on building scaffold around a room they are tuned to various TV channels with the sound volume very high. The atmosphere is one of Media overdose and fruitless activity as TV repair men (in white coats) constantly attend the sets attempting to correct the faults..." David Hall, 1972. (Source, cité depuis le site web Rewind)

Autres informations/Additional Informations

"This was the first multi-screen video/TV installation to be seen in a UK gallery." (Source, cité depuis le site web Rewind)

"In 60 TV Sets, an installation of broadcast receivers at Gallery House in 1972 y myself and Tony Sinden, and in the subsequent modified version 101 TV Sets at the Serpentine Gallery last year, a similar objective was in mind. This by initially tuning each consecutive receiver to a different station. Then by distorting reception by misaligning vertical and horizontal holds; vertical linearity; frame height; brightness and contrast; and aerial roientation. Audio output was loud with three available channels converging, plus some ambient noise from the ageing domestic sets. The result was absolute antithesis of the broadcasters' intent. The message and the medium were objectified, re-forming as a new and autonomous experience." (Source : David Hall, "British Video Art. Towards an Autonomous Practice", Studio International, May/June 1976, p. 248-254.)

Photograph of 60 TV Sets installation. (Source, site web Rewind)

Lieu de réalisation/Place of Production
Gallery House, Londres, Angleterre.
Lieu(x) de présentation/Place(s) of presentation

- A Survey of the Avant-Garde in Britain, Gallery House, Londres, 1972.

Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

- A Survey of the Avant-garde in Britain, Volume 1, Gallery House, London, 1972.

- David Hall, "British Video Art. Towards an Autonomous Practice", Studio International, May/June 1976, p. 248-254. (Source, pdf, site web Monoskop)

- Tamara Krikorian, "Video Installations in Britain", London Video Arts Catalogue, 1984. (Source, pdf, site web Rewind)

- David Curtis (dir.), A Directory of British Film and Video Artists, John Libbey Media, Luton, 1996.

- Joanna Heatwole, "Media of Now: an interview with David Hall", Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, Volume 36, Aug/Sep published by the Visual Studies Workshop, Rochester, New York, 2008. (Source, pdf, site web Rewind)

- Stephen Partridge & Sean Cubitt (dir.), REWIND| British Artists' Video in the 1970s & 1980s, John Libbey Publishing, East barnet, Herts, 2012.