
Titre international/International title
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author

"Under the direction of Ian Breakwell and Mike Leggett, labourers spend a day shovelling earth around in a circle of piles in the upper gallery space (at Angela Flowers Gallery, London). The action is relayed by closed-circuit video to a monitor in the ground floor gallery window, and is often confused by passers-by with activities of Apollo 14 astronauts on the Moon, showing on most televisions elsewhere." (Source, cité depuis le site web Rewind)

Autres informations/Additional Informations

"The durational video event 'One' may be the first UK video performance/installation piece. Also, 'One's humorous implications that the moon landing might just as well (or even did) take place in a TV studio was belatedly speculated upon by the mass media. (Ian Breakwell)" (Source, cité depuis le site web Rewind)

L'artiste Mike Legett a produit un film durant l'événement : "A film by Mike Leggett of an event at Angela Flowers Gallery produced by Ian Breakwell during 1971 in which a group of labourers shovelled earth over the course of an ‘8-hour day’, to celebrate the first anniversary of the gallery. On the second floor of the gallery, each man continuously shovelled earth onto the adjacent man’s mound of earth, while at the same time and by coincidence, the Apollo astronauts were digging up rock samples on the surface of the moon. While every TV shop window showed live footage of the activities on the moon, the media installation relayed the event via CCTV to their street-level window. Gradually through the course of the day, as the all-white gallery space was reduced to a sea of mud, the pictures relayed from each event became almost indistinguishable from each other. The 16mm film record was restored to digital video in 2003." (Source, cité depuis le site web de l'artiste)

Visionner le film réalisé par Mike Legett durant l'installation One de Ian Breakwell. (Source, site web Lux)

Film still from One. (Source, site web Rewind)

Pratiques artistiques associées/Associated artistic practices
[SUPPRESSION] Date de l’événement et/ou date de diffusion/Date of event and/or date of diffusion
Lieu de réalisation/Place of Production
Galerie Angela Flowers, Londres, Angleterre.
Lieu(x) de présentation/Place(s) of presentation

- Galerie Angela Flowers, Londres, 10 février 1971.

Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

- Julia Knight (dir.), Diverse practices: a critical reader on British video art, University of Luton Press, Luton, 1996.

- Stephen Partridge & Sean Cubitt (dir.), REWIND| British Artists' Video in the 1970s & 1980s, John Libbey Publishing, East barnet, Herts, 2012.