Dominique Belloir

Date de naissance/Date of birth

Dominique Belloir lives and works in Paris. She rapidly focuses her artistic activity on video. She directed from 1972 her first documentaries thanks to the first portable black and white video recorder. She studied cinema in Paris 8 University and got a phd in esthetics. Her thesis Vidéo Art Explorations was published in 1981 by Les Cahiers du Cinéma. From 1974, she contributes to the organization of exhibitions such as Art vidéo Confrontations in the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, Electra 83, the 11th biennale of Paris, or La vidéo casse le baroque in the Cultural Center of Belgium. She participates in 1976 in the firsts local television broadcasting experiences in Burgenland and Styrie in Austria, as well as the creation of Grand Canal association which groups french video artists and aims to provide support for the production, editing and distribution of video works. She is also director of the documentary production company Mirage Illimité specializing in artists' films and documentaries on contemporary art and architecture.

Artiste – Auteur/Artist - Author

Titre Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Memory 1979