Ulrike Rosenbach

Date de naissance/Date of birth

"born 1943 Bad Salzdetfurth; 1964–69 studied sculpture at the Kunstakademie Dusseldorf; master-class student under Joseph Beuys; 1972 first videotapes and since then continuous work with video in tapes, installations and performances; from 1989 professor of new art media at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Saarbrücken; lives and works near Cologne.
Ulrike Rosenbach is the most renowned international video artist from Germany working with videotapes, installations and performances. She was one of the first artists in Germany to not only use video for documentation purposes but for experiments with the electronic image. Her videotapes were highly successful in their critique of the traditional representation of women. They helped to formulate an identity of women from a feminist perspective. For her, video is «not burdened with art history like painting.» With Klaus vom Bruch and Marcel Odenbach she formed the independent production group ATV, exploring «alternative television» in various ways." (Source, site web, medienkunstnetz)

Artiste – Auteur/Artist - Author

Titre Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Herakles-Herkules King Kong 1977