Indian Circle

Titre international/International title
Indian Circle
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques

"A collaboration with the musician Peter Van Riper, this 30 minute tape is an unedited action response improvisation between the sound performance and the camera work. A real collaboration was possible because of the shared concerns for attention to space and awareness of the surroundings.
This work deals with space and time / motion / sound in that space as a continuous, aver-all, non-directional experience where surprises can happen.
The artist is intrigued by the space behind the camera. Space in time, constant change, energy flow: the great dance of everything. Immersed in sound. From a center the camera scanning with no predetermined objective, always searching, encountering and responding, weaving, following invisible lines." (Source, site web de l'artiste)

Autres informations/Additional Informations

Image de la vidéo. (Source, jpeg, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía)

Type de contribution