Experiencia Colectiva. N.°3. Olfato, Gusto y Tacto

Titre international/International title
Collective Experience N.°3. Smell, Taste and Touch
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques

"Vilanova de la Roca. Barcelona. July 1971. Thirteen people with their eyes and ears covered not knowing each other and not knowing the space. Proposal: the recognition of an area of materials and of people by means of the senses, smell, taste and tact.
The space was transformed with different materials and textures - paper, fabrics, plastic, ropes, metal, sandpaper, stones, earth, leaves, etc.
From hard to soft. Smellabla and tasteable materials. The thirteen people were of different ages, professions, nationalities and behaviors. Opinions were taped at the end of the experience." (Muntadas. Films, Videocassettes. Relación y Características. 1971-1974, Galerie Vandrés, Madrid, 1974.) (Source, pdf, Loop Barcelona)

Autres informations/Additional Informations

Deux formats d'origine, 1/2" et 3/4". (Muntadas. Films, Videocassettes. Relación y Características. 1971-1974, Galerie Vandrés, Madrid, 1974.) (Source, pdf, Loop Barcelona)

Lieu de réalisation/Place of Production
Vilanova de la Roca, Barcelone, Espagne.
Lieu(x) de présentation/Place(s) of presentation

- Muntadas. Films, Videocassettes. Relación y Características. 1971-1974, Galerie Vandrés, Madrid, 12 décembre 1974 - 3 janvier 1975. (Source, pdf, Loop Barcelona)

Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

- Muntadas. Films, Videocassettes. Relación y Características. 1971-1974, Galerie Vandrés, Madrid, 1974. (Source, pdf, Loop Barcelona)