Between the Lines

Titre international/International title
Between the Lines
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques

"Between the Lines examines the "invisible mechanisms" that control and contextualize media information. Analyzing a news report to demonstrate how facts are mediated by television's limits, Muntadas focuses on the role and responsibility of the reporter — the person between the facts and the audience. Following a reporter for WGBH-TV, Boston, as she covers a meeting between Mayor Kevin White and a community development group, Muntadas observes the decisions, selections, schedules and editing that determine how the "news" is transmitted on TV. He states: "When we say we are 'reading between the lines' we are completing information from the text with our own process of thinking, knowledge, information, subtlety. With television, words and images are experienced together; there is no time to stop and think while we absorb information from a moving image."" (Source, site web, eai)

"Dimensions: 220 x 184 x 300 cm
Media description: Closed circuit installation consisting of a monitor connected to the TV signal, four cameras, four monitors, software and a wooden projection room."

Photographie de l'installation (2006). (Source, jpeg, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía)

Autres informations/Additional Informations

Image de la vidéo. (Source, jpeg, Museo Nacional Centro di Arte Reina Sofía)

"Technical Assistance/Editor: John Barnett. Produced at M.I.T.'s Center for Advanced Visual Studies." (Source, site web, eai)

Format d'origine/Original format