Da zero a zero

Titre international/International title
From Zero to Zero
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author

"In 1974 in the Istrian town of Motovun, during a meeting whose theme was the landscape and to which had been invited Italian, Slovenian and Croatian artists, having brought with me my portapak I made, together with Peggy Stuffi, a real-time videotape, with no interruptions, Da zero a zero [From Zero to Zero], that showed the circular trend of the wall surroundings the small Istrian city. This was the very first 'Videotapes el Cavallino' [Videotapes by Cavallino]." (Source : Paolo Cardazzo, La stagione del video dans Dino Marangon, I videotapes del Cavallino, Venezia, Edizioni del Cavallino, 2004 dans Laura Leuzzi & Stephen Partridge (dir.), Rewind Italia: Early Video Art in Italy, John Libbey, New Barnet, 2016, p. 126). (PDF : Source).

Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

- Laura Leuzzi & Stephen Partridge (dir.), Rewind Italia: Early Video Art in Italy, John Libbey, New Barnet, 2016.