Mouth Piece

Titre international/International title
Mouth Piece
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author

"In the work Mouth Piece, Rainer is observing himself on a monitor that is standing underneath the camera. He studies his mouth as it moves, feels his face with his fingers and looks at himself with a moving lack of inhibition. He does not speak, but his mouth certainly attains a direct form of communication." (Source : site web LIMA).


Autres informations/Additional Informations

La date de 1974 est donné dans la publication Laura Leuzzi & Stephen Partridge (dir.), Rewind Italia: Early Video Art in Italy, John Libbey, New Barnet, 2016.

La date de 1975 est donné par le siteweb du LIMA (source).

Extrait de 31'' de la vidéo en ligne (Source : site web LIMA).

Type de contribution
Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

- Laura Leuzzi & Stephen Partridge (dir.), Rewind Italia: Early Video Art in Italy, John Libbey, New Barnet, 2016.