24 ore di No-Stop Theatre


"The project Televisione come memoria [Television as Memory] in 1968 overlapped the live artists work, who participated in 24 ore di no stop theatre, with a second level that of 'instantaneous documentation' offered by video, which both recorded the events that were underway each hour, and re-presented and accumulated the memories of the events that had taken place in the proceding hours. On 24 video screens the two essential parameters of television were fulfilled at the same time, that of 'direct' communication and that of 'delayed' communication". (Source : "The Video Library - the Classification", Luciano Giaccari, Rewind Italia: Early Video Art in Italy, Laura Leuzzi & Stephen Partridge (dir.), John Libbey, New Barnet, 2016, p. 69.)

Luciano Giaccari " documented 24 ore di No-Stop Theatre [24 hours of No-Stop Theatre] on video, an exhibition organized by Giaccari himself in Varese". (Source : Valentino Catricalà & Laura Leuzzi, "The Chronology of Video Art in Italy, 1952-1992", Rewind Italia: Early Video Art in Italy, Laura Leuzzi & Stephen Partridge (dir.) John Libbey, New Barnet, 2016, p. 320.)

Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

- Laura Leuzzi & Stephen Partridge (dir.), Rewind Italia: Early Video Art in Italy, John Libbey, New Barnet, 2016.