A Mutáns

Titre international/International title
The Mutant
A Heterarchikus ön-beavatás (The Heterarchic Auto-initiation)
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques
Autres informations/Additional Informations

Cette vidéo fait partie de l'installation Létminimum Standard Projekt 1984 W (Subsistence Level Standard Project 1984 W) qui est la première phase d'un travail que l'artiste a mené au sein du IPUT (International Parallel Union of Telecommunications), organisation que l'artiste a fondé en 1968 en Hongrie en tant que démarche artistique (Sources : c3 / Ludwig Mūzeum).

"1979-1984 – as a result of a heterarchic transcendence of the Evolutionist and Creationist Myth Circles, in order to catalyse the Free Will Vestige, The Mutant, The Mutant Class, and The 24th Canton are realised." (Source : Acax)

"At the core of his work is the concept of the mutant, in regard to art, which is capable of a real change instead of merely adapting. In the first phase (Make a chair) of the Subsist.Ence Level St.Andard Project 1984 W (SLS 1984 W), which began in 1974, he set himself the aim to go beyond the “non-art as art” of Duchamp and George Brecht's concept of art (“non-art as art as as art as non-art “). This project has already carried the germs of the need for creating a new mutant class.
The next phase of SLS 1984 W is the work Mutant, which is realized in the “laboratory” of the ITU (International Telecommunication Union). “An artificial individual initiated / reprogrammed by the name of the new voluntarist combination of certain elements of the Creationist / Evolutionist Mythological Circle” (a young woman sitting on a chair attached to an amplifier with an infusion tube) is being exhibited at the Museum of Natural Science and Ethnography, Geneva. The “scientific / artistic legalization” of the mutant is filmed, and instant photographs are made during the process. K.D." (Source : Ludwig Múzeum)

Format d'origine/Original format
Lieu(x) de présentation/Place(s) of presentation

- IPUT, Badischer Kunstverein (Baden Art Association), Karlsruhe, 24 avril - 20 juin 2010. (Source : Badischer Kunstverein)