
Titre international/International title
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques
Autres informations/Additional Informations

Il y a deux formats d'origines, Super8 et U-Matic. (Source : site internet de l'artiste)

La musique est de Ann Wilcox Toyah et Zsuzsa Dobai joue dans la vidéo. (Source : c3)

"GRIMACE (1983) is also a portrait of his wife Zsuzsa Dobai-Lux. Lux processes the images through painterly action and various lenses and mirrors.
The tape appears on one hand, through the use of varying speed and freeze-effects, as slapstick, on the other hand the sound evokes asian masks and chinese opera.
(Heiko Daxl 1994)." (Source : Vimeo)

"The video work, created with the aid of techniques of film and photo-animation, examines where the borders of the possibilities of distortion lie when it comes to human features and the extent to which and directions in which these borders can be stretched with the help of various methods of creating pictures. The rough surface and the cracks appearing in the material with which the characters have been masked white emphasize the changes that take place on the surface of human skin. (Evelin Páll)". (Source : c3)

Visionner l'œuvre (complète) :

Format d'origine/Original format
Langue de la ressource/Language
Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

- Chaîne Vimeo de l'artiste : Grimasse

- Site internet de l'artiste :