Seins Fiction I.

Titre international/International title
Seins Fiction I.
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques
Autres informations/Additional Informations

Dans la vidéo, le titre est Seiens Fiction mais la pièce est titré Seins Fiction partout ailleurs.

Miklós Peternák propose un titre en anglais sur le catalogue en ligne du C3 : The Fiction of [His] Existence I. (Source, site web c3)

"The video is based on the volume of short stories by Frigyes Karinthy entitled A Journey Round My Skull, Berlin being the setting. In the first short story Karinthy narrates how locomotives creaked and rumbled by, disturbing his tranquility at the Central Café in Budapest three times, until he finally realizes that he has been hallucinating. Hámos' authentic shots, done at Berlin's S-Bahn, are related to The Invisible Train in that he compresses the artificial, violent division of former Eastern and Western Europe into his images with the aid of invisible dividing lines, made discernible only through the process of picture making. In the strip made through the mediums of video, photography and television, we see clips from the news, images of figure skaters, and figures moving between two monitors. (Evelin Páll)". (Source, cité depuis le site web c3)

Visionner l'œuvre (complète) (Source, site web c3)

Lieu de réalisation/Place of Production
Langue de la ressource/Language