Snow White

Titre international/International title
Snow White
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques
Autres informations/Additional Informations

Cette vidéo a été publié dans Infermental Special Issue NRW Wuppertal, Germany, 1984/85. Dans le catalogue de cette édition, la vidéo est indiqué durer 4:06 min et daté de 1983 (Source, site web ZKM)

"The video, which takes the Grimm Brothers' fairy-tale as its starting point, makes the mirror into the central motif. Is it the mirror that gives birth to envy, jealousy and selfish fears? What happens when the individual is confronted with him/herself, his/her mirror image in the mirror for the first time? The emotions and impulses of the wickedly smiling queen, torn from space and time and wrapped in a purplish haze, are made clear by the concreteness of the heart and a liver sizzling in a frying pan. And the image of the witch biting into the juicy roast plucks the evil one once and for all from the abstract world of the fairy-tale, which in a sublimated form is called on to relay the scale of good and bad values. (Evelin Páll)" (Source, cité depuis le site web c3)

Visionner l'œuvre (complète) (Source, site web c3)

Format d'origine/Original format
Lieu de réalisation/Place of Production
Langue de la ressource/Language
Allemand, anglais