Die Geschwister

Titre international/International title
Brother and Sister
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques

"In a hotel suite a brother and a sister (Udo and Tabea) are waiting for a due inheritance. Their relationship is ambiguous: it fluctuates between a tenderness which develops into open sexuality and an animosity which turns into assault. In the course of a quarrel Udo shoves his sister onto the bed several times, slaps her face — then embraces her. (During the scene he seeks out his revolver which will play a tragic role at the end of the story.) From time to time Udo discusses the question of the inheritance with their plump aunt (Margie), meanwhile a former Lesbian girlfriend (Veruschka) re-enters the girl's life and moves to their flat. In a telephone conversation Tabea tells Udo that she cannot endure waiting any longer, she in no more interested in the inheritance and has been overcome by an erotic longing for death. The man entering home shoots five bullets at Veruschka (this latter heaving sighs under the blanket) then realising his error he commits suicide. (...) (László Beke)" (Source, cité depuis le site web c3)

Autres informations/Additional Informations

Visionner l'œuvre (complète) (Source, site web c3)

Lieu de réalisation/Place of Production
Berlin ouest
Type de contribution
Langue de la ressource/Language
Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

- László Beke & Miklós Peternák (dir.), Gábor Bódy, 1946-1985, A presentation of his work, Mucsarnok, Budapest, 1987.