Die geisel

Titre international/International title
The Hostage
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques
Autres informations/Additional Informations

"This was photographed at the flat of Gábor Bódy, a DAAD-scolarship holder in West-Berlin. It is a typical terrorist story: a German militant action group holds a middle-aged (presumably) American man and as is usual, they doe everything to frighten him. He is kept in a vacant room tied to a chair, and they try to satisfy only his minimal physiological needs, they photograph him regularly giving him a copy of a newspaper to hold in his hands, etc. When he is left to himself for a short time with a black hood over his head, he drags himself to a nail sticking out of the wall and so he succeeds in tearing a hole in the textile around the eyes - at the cost of bruises. He starts a lengthy monologue in the presence of his captors (with a melancolic organ music in the background). He is seated beside a chessboard, then a revolver is placed within his reach. (...) (László Beke)" (Source, cité depuis le site web c3)

Vicionner l'œuvre (complète) (Source, site web c3)

Lieu de réalisation/Place of Production
Berlin ouest
Lieu(x) de présentation/Place(s) of presentation

- 1ère Biennale du film et de la vidéo, Rio de Janeiro, 1984.

Langue de la ressource/Language
Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

- László Beke & Miklós Peternák (dir.), Gábor Bódy, 1946-1985, A presentation of his work, Mucsarnok, Budapest, 1987.