Béla Balázs Studio (BBS)

Date de naissance/Date of birth

"The Balázs Béla Studio (BBS) – an utterly unique formation, not only in Eastern Europe but also beyond it - started first as a film club in 1959 and was refounded in 1961 as a film studio that worked both inside and outside the structure of Socialist state filmproduction. In nearly five decades it (co-)produced more than 500 films in all genres from short features and lyrical documentary films, through long documentaries, major feature films, experimental films and video, to animations and documentations." (source)

Autres productions artistiques/Other artistic works

- Gábor Gelencsér (ed.), BBS 50. Essays for the 50th Anniversary of Balázs Béla Studio, Budapest: 2009. Comprehensive reader featuring 22 essays, published in parallel with the exhibition in Mücsarnok in 2009.

- Forgács Péter, György Péter, Kovács Bálint András, Mátis Lilla (eds.), Mozgó film 1, Lapkiadó Vállalat: Budapest, 1984.

- Beke László, Forgács Péter, Kovács Bálint András (eds.), Mozgó film 2, Budapest: Balázs Béla Stúdió, 1986.

- Durst György (ed.), A Balázs Béla Stúdió története (1961-1986), Budapest: Balázs Béla Stúdió.