Modulated Television I.

Titre international/International title
Modulated Television I.
Date de réalisation/Date of creation
Artiste - Auteur/Artist - Author
Caractéristiques techniques

"Modulated Television I., during the film Byzance of the Hungarian Television, photographing three geometrical elements at intervals of three minutes, using all possible variations." (Source, cité depuis le site web de l'artiste)

Autres informations/Additional Informations

Cette pièce fait partie d'une série nommée Modulated Television ou Modulated TV (1972-1973) (Source 1, site web c3 ; Source 2, site web Ludwig Múzeum)

La pièce est aussi connue sous le nom : Modulated television I (Byzantium) (Source, site web Ludwig Múzeum)

"Halász created the work Modulated television I (Byzantium) in the early 1970s, as part of the series Modulated Television. It is one of the first pieces of Hungarian conceptual or video art. Its point of departure is an art history documentary aired on Magyar Televízió (Hungarian Television) entitled Byzantium on the one hand, and a geometric figure comprised of the possible positions two rectangles can meet, on the other. Halász drew the figure on sheets of cellophane, which he glued on the TV screen and took a picture of the random composition every three minutes. Thus, he opposed the still, geometric figure with time, chance, and the figurative and narrative aspect of the film; also, the axonometric drawing expanded the images running on the screen with a spatial dimension. This process may be considered as a photo action with the exhibited work as its result. Halász applied the 36 prints to a canvas with glue, creating one—vulnerable—piece of artwork. M.ZS." (Source, cité depuis le site web Ludwig Múzeum)

Pratiques artistiques associées/Associated artistic practices
Format d'origine/Original format
Lieu(x) de présentation/Place(s) of presentation

- Serial Artworks, Szent István Király Múzeum, Székesfehérvár, 1977 (Source, site web c3)

Type de contribution
Documents et ouvrages associés/Publications and Periodicals which reference the work

- Géza Perneczky, Important Business. Informations from east to west, février 1973.

- site internet de l'artiste (travaux) :